Game News
Juna Final Stage formula available!
The formula for Juna's last stage is available! Starting today, until December 31, 2020, you will be able to formulate Juna in the final stage...
Wednesday, November 25 2020, at 07:48 AM (GMT +10)Maintenance completed. Changelog and more.
Maintenance was completed successfully and the game client was prepared for new events to come.We will start a test with wanted systems.The rounds...
Monday, November 9 2020, at 09:42 PM (GMT +10)Evolving Juna to Stage 3 - Quest
Now the collector has a new quest available!If you completed the last quest during halloween to evolve Juna to level 2, you can use that Juna...
Saturday, November 7 2020, at 10:16 PM (GMT +10)End of maintenance. Changelog
Maintenance was successfully completed.In that maintenance, the following changes took place:[1] The game was prepared for the halloween...
Thursday, October 22 2020, at 12:00 AM (GMT +10)End of maintenance. Change log
Maintenance was completed successfully.As mentioned in the previous post, the changes follow:[1] Alteration of the awards received at Siege...
Monday, October 5 2020, at 12:00 PM (GMT +10)The discovery of new henchs!
Dr. Jove found evidence that henchs came from Artreia and were spotted by some citizens. The new henchs discovered are even more powerful than those...
Friday, September 25 2020, at 06:00 AM (GMT +10)