Game News

End of maintenance. New client changes.

Hello players! Maintenance has been successfully completed and a new version of the game client is available. In case you have problems with...

Friday, May 6 2022, at 11:09 AM (GMT +10)
Patch notes - 2022 Apr 12

We have released a patch to correct and modify the following points: 1. The top image of the following henchs has been fixed: Benner (Christmas...

Tuesday, April 12 2022, at 09:05 AM (GMT +10)
End of maintenance. Change logs

Hello masters, Maintenance has been successfully completed. Below you can check the changes and news. 1. Fixed the issue of not being able...

Tuesday, April 5 2022, at 11:28 PM (GMT +10)
End of maintenance. Change log.

Maintenance has been successfully completed. Below you see the changes: 1. Armor that had been nerfed in the last update has again...

Thursday, February 17 2022, at 12:14 AM (GMT +10)
Scheduled maintenance and patch note

Hello masters! We have released a recent update patch that modifies and/or corrects the points described below and prepares the game for...

Friday, February 11 2022, at 04:48 AM (GMT +10)
End of maintenance. Change logs

Hello masters, Maintenance completed successfully and the following changes have already been applied: [1] The following items were...

Tuesday, January 25 2022, at 11:58 AM (GMT +10)