Monster Hunting Season Event!

Tuesday, April 9 2024, at 12:52 AM
Monster Hunting Season!

Hello masters!

Hunting season has begun! There will be 3 weeks of hunting, separated by type.

Event schedule:

Week 1: Dragons, Devil and Bird
Start: Monday, April 15th
End: Sunday, April 21st (23:59)

♦ All Dragon-type, Devil-type and Bird-type monsters, from level 1 to 199, can be dropped.

Week 2: Metal, Plant and Insect
Start: Monday, April 22nd
End: Sunday, April 28th (23:59)

♦ All Metal-type, Plant-type and Insect-type monsters, from level 1 to 199, can be dropped.

Week 3: Animal and Mystery
Start: Monday, April 29th
End: Sunday, May 5th (23:59)

♦ All Animal-type and Mystery-type monsters, from level 1 to 199, can be dropped.

♦ During the event, special tasks will be available through the NPC: The Collector, in Mekrita.

♦ Boss L8 of Elysion cannot be dropped.

To improve the balance and better gaming experience, upcoming updates should include significant changes to expand the upgrade possibilities.

With the start of this event, the following change will be applied permanently:

♦ Maps with monsters level 160 or higher:
Monsters will have a 10% increase in their defense.