* Information about new SET test/release

Wednesday, September 13 2023, at 04:09 AM
Hello masters!

Due to natural disaster problems in the region where the Data Center is located, the test server has a very large delay in PING, causing numerous disconnections and making gameplay for SET tests impossible.

The latest patches released contain all files from SETs 187, 192, 195 and 200.

We tried all day to improve the connection to carry out tests on the separate server, but without success.

Our team is now working to carry out testing within the official server, making SETs limited during this period, as we no longer want to delay the launch. In the next 24 hours, we will enable the receipt of SETs at an NPC. Players will be able to receive and test them for 24 hours 48 hours.

* If the tests are extended, they will be suspended during the weekend, so that there is no influence on the Siege Affair.

* You will need to have the necessary level to use SETs.

To avoid fraud, SETs will be delivered (without synergy). You can request to transfer Synergy from your current SET to the testing SET in the email shown below. At the end of the test, we will recover the synergy of your original item.

Stay tuned, a new post will be made with the information in the next 24 hours 48 hours.

We count on you to send feedback about the SETs to us at the exclusive email for these reports: improve@playmixmaster.com

@edit ~ Additional information: Sept. 13 06:30 PM

About new SET npc schedule:

Still working on it. We will post a new article/notice as soon as it is finished.

We are sorry for the delay. But we reinforce that the waiting time is ending. We already have all files we need to release new sets, it is just about balance now.

At this part we must be careful to prevent any bugs since the tests will happen in official service, so we are taking more time than expected.

There are many new content coming this month yet.

Sorry for inconvenience.

As soon everything is ready, we will post a notice with explanation about how to get and how it will work.