Information about the opening of Runaway Island.

Monday, September 4 2023, at 09:29 AM
Information about the opening of Runaway Island.

1. The map will open at 12:00 (noon) on September 5th.

2. The sale of entrance tickets will be available at MixMall at the same time as the opening.

3. We will continue to implement the map according to feedback received, however, the map will remain open while receiving new implementations.

4. We are working on areas A, B and C to expand the map in case it gets too crowded with players. The new instances should be available within the month.

5. Initially, each player will be able to enter the map only once a day. (you can use a 1-hour ticket or a 3-hour ticket). After the launch of the new instances (A, B, C) we will enable access for more times.

6. We added some drops to the maps, like crafting items. However, we are still working on adding new items (we will accept feedback on this).

7. Runaway Island will also be used for the DROP of new Craft items that will be used in the production of the new SETs. These items can only be dropped after the SETs are released.