Recent changes to weekly compensations
We have noticed that many users are abusing weekly rewards and creating fake accounts to enjoy Super Gamble Box rewards and high fees.
The following changes have been applied to rewards:
- NPCs will only give the reward during Saturdays and Sundays.
- The user can only receive 1 of the rewards. If you already received Mekrita's, you will not be able to receive Magirita's.
- The level required to redeem the reward is now 150.
Users who leave their guild to try to enjoy twice the castle rewards will no longer be able to do so.
2. It will no longer be possible to receive castle rewards if you have already received them once. It will only be possible to receive the reward twice if your guild dominates both castles.
Soon, the waiting time to join another guild will be increased.
These changes will be applied immediately and there may be future changes as anticipated in our previous news.