Gamble Auction Event #1

Tuesday, May 16 2023, at 03:21 AM
Gamble Auction Boost Event

From: May, 16 ~ May, 19
We have boosted the probability of take following items from Gamble Auction NPC:
To participate, just talk to the NPC: Random Auction, located in Magirita (X: 105, Y: 102).

* Fruit of Life (Limited 12 hours)
* Gender Change (Limited 5 hours)
* Blessed Flower in the Book (Limited 12 hours)

The Gamble Auction daily tries has been increased to 30.

The current list of Gamble Auction NPC items:

Keep in mind that you will receive a random item from the list on every try. The probability of good items are harder than common items. The list above shows from Hardest to Easiest.
It is not possible to refund a item after receiving it.
Every try costs 1x Artreia Coin. It can be purchased for 5.000.000 GP in Free Battle Zone.