End of maintenance. Patch notes!

Saturday, May 13 2017, at 12:00 AM
Hello players!

We have finished the maintenances and there are the new patch notes:

[1] removed boxter event.

[2] moved Mixing NPC to outside castle (Magirita and Mekrita) Siege Affair.

[3] Added a new dungeon (You need to go to Free Battle Zone and talk to Valcan's Island guard NPC to travel).

[4] Added 80+ new formulaes and new henchs.

[5] New curesed mark have been added. (available on MixMall)

[6] Ticket for Valcan's Lava Island added (available on MixMall)

[7] New Sets are now available for crafting.

[8] New Mix Formulaes are available:

-Dragon Formula-

NeoPunchDra = FrozenRhinio 163(3) + PDevilWing 163(3)
DinoKing = Drop Only
FlameVanyah = NeoFairudo 149(3) + DarkHorns 144(3)
NeoFairudo = Drilldra 138(2) + ChickenFighter 134(2)
NeoBlueTail = BlueTail 108(2) + NewUnderGi 125(2)
BlueTail = NeoDragoer 83(2) + Goldener 90(2)

-Animal Formula-

Reokyan = Drop only
NeoFennescus = KingPiggy 144(3) + GauntletBomb 140(3)
Pongo = Jumbo 148(3) + NeoFairudo 149(3)
Jumbo = MalmonFury 126(2) + Bowwow 138(2)
KingPiggy = BluePiggy 125(2) + NeoBlueTail 135(2)
Bowwow = NeoMintLion 124(2) + Giant 131(2)
BlueTeddy = NeoTravel 122(2) + Tomahawk 118(2)
Wild Bore = Bore 82(2) + BattleAmazonez 115(2)
Bore = NeoClaw 70(1) + NewAncient 67(1)

-Insect Formula-

NeoQueen = ChampLava 154(3) + RedLeaf 152(3)
Joker = AlertSpider 153(3) + NeoGunSmash 146(3)
NeoBlueBaccho = BlueBaccho 115(2) + Neo Dusty 103(2)
BlueBaccho = Neo Stinger 93(2) + Teddy 92 (2)

-Metal Formula-

ValcanX = NeoVulcan 155(3) + Mintmal 158(3)
Ultra Soul = Drop Only.
NeoOstrich = NeoGunSmash 146(3) + NeoSaruff 144(3)
NewSilverKun = SilverKun 144(3) + StoneFist 140(3)
NeoGunSmash = NeoDarkB(2) + DJBraki 135(2)
NeoDarkB = DarkBreaker 113(2) + NeoWhiteWags 119(2)

-Mystery Formula-

NeoSandBall = RedBanshee 159(3) + ShadowMagic 160(3)
Titan =Bomberfarm 142(3) + FrankenNo3 150(3)
Sandball = NeoPinocchio 145(3) + RedLeaf 152(3)
NeoPinocchio = NeoHellCrown 130(2) + PlugNSocket 135(2)
BomberFarm = PurpleButton 123(2) + Nauren 120(2)
NeoHellCrown = Hell Crown 97(2) + Shield 115(2)
Button = Goldener 90(2) + Clover 93(2)
Goldener = Stoner 72(1) + MadTailor 68(1)
NeoAquaPing = AquaPing 38(1) + NeoBattleDragon64(1)

-Devil Formula-

Cursed Gate = Qoomtra 165(3) + NeoSilverKun 158(3)
NeoRedBanshee = NeoSaruff 141(3) + Eldering 140(3)
NeoSaruff = Saruff 126(2) + BlueLiddy 135 (2)
Stonefist = HellBlack 122(2) + NeoBlueBaccho 132(2)
HellBlack = Succubus 92(2) + Sage 100(2)
Tomahawk = Cursed Phantom 95 (2) + armored 108(2)
NeoWildBuma =Wiesha 49(1) + Neo Boralish 62(1)

-Bird Formula-

Goldhawk = Drop only
FireDuck = NewGriffin 150(3) + InfernoDuke 152(3)
NeoStrigidae = NewBlueHarpy 148(3) + TweesToonga 147(3)
NewGriffin ="Griffin 130(3) + DustyElder 140(3) or
Griffin 130(3) + DustyElder 140(3)"
NeoBlueHarpy = BlueHarpy 135(2) + NewPalmBoy 132(2)
Sage = PinkFlyer 67(1) + NeoWildBuma 68(1)
PinkFlyer =Manta 31(0) + Tomated 62(1)

-Plant Formula-

NeoNauren = Drop Only
Balzac = NeoMutant 141(3) + Pioki 140(3)
NeoMutant = MutantDouda 125(2) + DarkCrusher 132(2)
NewPalmBoy = PalmBoy 117(2) + HellBlack 122(2)
MutantDouda = Clover 90(2) + NeoManty 100(2)
NeoManty = MantyPlant(1) + NewHornKing 77(1)
Teddy =Mimi 73(1) + NeoAquaPing 71(1)
Clover = NewHornMameo 65(1) + NeoBreaker 82(2)
Mimi = Monk 51(1) + MadTailor 68(1)
Monk = Drop Only

You can view all the mix formulaes at our official mix page: [link:https://mixmasteronline.com.au/formular Mix Formular [/link]

Regards, mixmaster online team.

We have finished the maintenances and there are the new patch notes:

[1] removed boxter event.

[2] moved Mixing NPC to outside castle (Magirita and Mekrita) Siege Affair.

[3] Added a new dungeon (You need to go to Free Battle Zone and talk to Valcan's Island guard NPC to travel).

[4] Added 80+ new formulaes and new henchs.

[5] New curesed mark have been added. (available on MixMall)

[6] Ticket for Valcan's Lava Island added (available on MixMall)

[7] New Sets are now available for crafting.

[8] New Mix Formulaes are available:

-Dragon Formula-

NeoPunchDra = FrozenRhinio 163(3) + PDevilWing 163(3)
DinoKing = Drop Only
FlameVanyah = NeoFairudo 149(3) + DarkHorns 144(3)
NeoFairudo = Drilldra 138(2) + ChickenFighter 134(2)
NeoBlueTail = BlueTail 108(2) + NewUnderGi 125(2)
BlueTail = NeoDragoer 83(2) + Goldener 90(2)

-Animal Formula-

Reokyan = Drop only
NeoFennescus = KingPiggy 144(3) + GauntletBomb 140(3)
Pongo = Jumbo 148(3) + NeoFairudo 149(3)
Jumbo = MalmonFury 126(2) + Bowwow 138(2)
KingPiggy = BluePiggy 125(2) + NeoBlueTail 135(2)
Bowwow = NeoMintLion 124(2) + Giant 131(2)
BlueTeddy = NeoTravel 122(2) + Tomahawk 118(2)
Wild Bore = Bore 82(2) + BattleAmazonez 115(2)
Bore = NeoClaw 70(1) + NewAncient 67(1)

-Insect Formula-

NeoQueen = ChampLava 154(3) + RedLeaf 152(3)
Joker = AlertSpider 153(3) + NeoGunSmash 146(3)
NeoBlueBaccho = BlueBaccho 115(2) + Neo Dusty 103(2)
BlueBaccho = Neo Stinger 93(2) + Teddy 92 (2)

-Metal Formula-

ValcanX = NeoVulcan 155(3) + Mintmal 153(3)
Ultra Soul = Drop Only.
NeoOstrich = NeoGunSmash 146(3) + NeoSaruff 144(3)
NewSilverKun = SilverKun 144(3) + StoneFist 140(3)
NeoGunSmash = NeoDarkB(2) + DJBraki 135(2)
NeoDarkB = DarkBreaker 113(2) + NeoWhiteWags 119(2)

-Mystery Formula-

NeoSandBall = RedBanshee 159(3) + ShadowMagic 160(3)
Titan =Bomberfarm 142(3) + FrankenNo3 150(3)
Sandball = NeoPinocchio 145(3) + RedLeaf 152(3)
NeoPinocchio = NeoHellCrown 130(2) + PlugNSocket 135(2)
BomberFarm = PurpleButton 123(2) + Nauren 120(2)
NeoHellCrown = Hell Crown 97(2) + Shield 115(2)
Button = Goldener 90(2) + Clover 93(2)
Goldener = Stoner 72(1) + MadTailor 68(1)
NeoAquaPing = AquaPing 38(1) + NeoBattleDragon64(1)

-Devil Formula-

Cursed Gate = Qoomtra 165(3) + NeoSilverKun 158(3)
NeoRedBanshee = NeoSaruff 141(3) + Eldering 140(3)
NeoSaruff = Saruff 126(2) + BlueLiddy 135 (2)
Stonefist = HellBlack 122(2) + NeoBlueBaccho 132(2)
HellBlack = Succubus 92(2) + Sage 100(2)
Tomahawk = Cursed Phantom 95 (2) + armored 108(2)
NeoWildBuma =Wiesha 49(1) + Neo Boralish 62(1)

-Bird Formula-

Goldhawk = Drop only
FireDuck = NewGriffin 150(3) + InfernoDuke 152(3)
NeoStrigidae = NewBlueHarpy 148(3) + TweesToonga 147(3)
NewGriffin ="Griffin 130(3) + DustyElder 140(3) or
Griffin 130(3) + DustyElder 140(3)"
NeoBlueHarpy = BlueHarpy 135(2) + NewPalmBoy 132(2)
Sage = PinkFlyer 67(1) + HellYoyo 68(1)
PinkFlyer =Manta 31(0) + Tomated 62(1)

-Plant Formula-

NeoNauren = Drop Only
Balzac = NeoMutant 141(3) + Pioki 140(3)
NeoMutant = MutantDouda 125(2) + DarkCrusher 132(2)
NewPalmBoy = PalmBoy 117(2) + HellBlack 122(2)
MutantDouda = Clover 90(2) + NeoManty 100(2)
NeoManty = MantyPlant(1) + NewHornKing 77(1)
Teddy =Mimi 73(1) + NeoAquaPing 71(1)
Clover = NewHornMameo 65(1) + NeoBreaker 82(2)
Mimi = Monk 51(1) + MadTailor 68(1)
Monk = Drop Only

You can view all the mix formulaes at our official mix page: [link:https://mixmasteronline.com.au/formular Mix Formular [/link]

Regards, mixmaster online team.