BlackMarket Gift + Server maintenance

Friday, May 5 2023, at 09:47 PM
Hello masters!
We are scheduling a server maintenance.

Tue. 9th May Wed. 10 May 2023 at 09:00 AM (Australia/Brisbane time).
This maintenance may last up to 3 hours. Can be extended if necessary.

The Weekend Boost Event has been activated
13.5x EXP / 12.5x CORE / 12.5x ITEM

The BlackMarket NPC has been renewed and will give you a new Super Gamble Box for free. You can redeem the gift until May 9th (maintenance).

* The Crafting NPC (located in Northern Magirita) is under maintenance. We are working to improve its functions.
You should not be able to use it until next maintenance.
You will receive a message [Level insuficient].