MixMaster 6th Anniversary Part 2 start!

Monday, March 20 2023, at 06:26 PM
Hello masters!

The second part of the anniversary event is live and the following activities have been released:

● 6th Anniversary NPC
Located in Mekrita (X:101 Y:129). The NPC will give you a daily quest for 9 days. The prizes are:
fruit of life
Attendance Pinky Cloud
Super Gamble Box
Ends March 30th.

● Necros (Mekrita X: 97 Y: 122)
Now you can do the 9-step quest (no time duration) to get Plant-type Hench: Necros Lili (Lv.207).
Necros Lili will be needed to make Necros Surgery mix (Lv.217).

The formula will be revealed soon.
The quest has no duration time. You can take your time to complete.

● The boost event (+14x EXP / 12.5x CORE / 12.5x ITEM) has been extended until March 24th.

● Boxters are appearing on major maps and dropping: 6th Anniversary Gamble Box (when opened, give a random item):
{12012} -> Expires if not used.
{9749} -> Expires in 5 hours if not used.
{12260} -> Expires if not used in 12 hours.
{12259} -> Expires if not used in 12 hours.
{12498} -> Expires if not used (3 hours)
{12499} -> Expires if not used (3 hours)
{12500} -> Expires if not used (3 hours)
{12501} -> Expires if not used (3 hours)
{12569} x25
{9572} x5

Kind regards,
MixMaster Online team.