New Event Activities

Wednesday, May 16 2018, at 12:00 AM
[b] Hello masters! [/b]

Greeting, within the next 7 days there will be changes coming to Mixmaster Online to improve the daily activites of our players! GM will explain the rules each time the event will run so all players can enjoy and understand the events.

[1] Hide & Seek events with GM will begin every MONDAY & THURSDAY at 10:30pm.

[2] PVP Arena comingWEDNESDAY 23rd May which includes many different types of games to be played including special rewards which are not included in mixmall. These can be only be won by participating in the PVP Arena event. This will commence at 10:30pm every WEDNESDAY & SUNDAY.

[3] Siege Affair rewards will be updated this coming maintenance, which new rewards to help keep motivating our players to participate in siege affair which occurs every SATURDAY 9pm &SUNDAY 10pm.

[4] Spawn events will be added everySUNDAY night at 10:30pm.

[5] Weekend server rate events will always begin everyFRIDAY ~SUNDAY

We hope you can join us to play all these exciting new events coming to mixmaster online!

Mixmaster Online