[End of maintenance]
Thank you for patiently waiting. We are pleased to announce the server is now back online. You can now login to our servers, please take some time to read the patch notes below.
[Patch Notes]
[1] - Removed Xmas Event.
[2] - Removed Boxter spawn bug.
[3] - New Party System has been enabled.
[4] - Fixed Bugged formula (RollingStone).
[5] - Potion cooldown settings updated (to prevent future cheats).
[6] - Trojan/Magical/Crescent can now be traded.
[7] - All Crafted Weapons can now be traded.
[8] - NeoToonga Formula has been fixed and added.
[9] - Changer has been changed to "Gender Changer" also can stack to 99.
[10] - Premium Flower in book can now stack to 99.
Kind regards,
MixMaster Team