[End of maintenance]. Patch notes

Monday, August 28 2017, at 12:00 AM
Hello masters!

[1] 16 New Crafting weapon books added to server

[2] Level 160 Weapon Craft Books(PVP)+(PVE) added to L3 & L4 Silent Tower Maps to mobs(Certains can drop only).

[3] Level 130 Weapon Craft Books Added to Valor Dungeon L2 ~ L3 (Certain Mobs can drop).

[4] Level 100 Weapon Craft Books added to Valor Dungeon L1 (Certain mobs can drop).

[5] Ditt, Penril, Jin, Phoy all have new weapons in craft books 4 in total each.

Thank you, MixMaster Online. Patch version 4. 64570.