[End of maintenance]. Patch notes
We have finished the maintenances and there are the new patch notes:
[1] Added Silent tower NPC (Visit Elysion 4th floor) You must have Premium Zone to enter.
[2] Added 60+ new henchs.
[3] New Items will be added. (available on MixMall)
[4] New Set are now available for crafting by hunting monsters in (Silent Tower) and other materials they drop.
[6] New Mix Formulas are available:
-Dragon Formula-
NeoBlueGaru 183 = BlueGarugon175(3) + NeoTinker175(3)
GoldenDuke 181 = New PetitTen174(3) + SkyBanshee172(3)
NeoDinoKing 180= DinoKing170(3) + NewShadow174(3)
RedArmored 179 = Blacknity170(3) + Persoz163(3)
NeoFrozen 178 (Possible Drop) = FrozenRhino163(3) + DarkToonga168(3)
BlueArmored 176 = MadCow168(3) + TinkerBell165(3)
Blessed Jaune 173 = RFairudo165(3) + NeoOstrich160(3)
-Animal Formula-
TurtleKing 185 = Turtley174(3) + NeoUltraSoul180(3)
Lorelei 184 = PurpleClaw173(3) + NewPetitTen174(3)
MonezKing 183 = MonezQueen175(3) + BloodQoomtra178(3)
ThunderCat 182 = CutieCat172(3) + BomberGunY173(3)
SonGok 181 = NeoReokyan180(3) + Pioking164(3)
NeoReokyan 180 = Reokyan170(3) + NeoQueen172(3)
MonezQueen 175 = Pongo160(3) + Titan166(3)
Or Pongo160(3) + NeoNauren163(3)
Turtly 173 = WindGirl162(3) + FlameVanyah160(3)
PurpleClaw 173 = SuperCat150(3) + PurpleQoon150(3)
NeoMadCow 180 = NewBeetle171(3) + Nyubikhead 169(3)
Dasher 176 = PelicanCrew163(3) + AlertSpider153(3) (UPDATED 13th AUGUST)
-Insect Formula-
LittleCrab 182 = Drop Only
Neo Joker 180 = Joker163(3) + Blessed Jaune173(3)
StrongScorp 178 = Nyubik head 169(3) + NewPetitChi169(3)
ColorfulSpider 175 = BeetleKnight170(3) + Avenger165(3)
New Beetle 171 = PDevilWing163(3) + GladyHawk150(3)
AlburyChamp 185 = Dasher 176(3) + Sky Banshee172(3)
-Metal Formula-
NeoMixD 185 = MixDestoyer174(3) + NewGoldHawk180(3)
MonoYEye 181 = Drop Only.
Flint 184= BomberGunY173(3) + NeoFrozen178(3)
BigAncient 183 = GreenMetal178(3) + MoonFlower172(3)
Coppernity 182 = Blacknity170(3) + WildBalzac170(3)
UnkYellow 182 = GreenMetal178(3) + NewPersona169(3)
Rolling Stone 180 = PurpleClaw173(3) + Mono Red Eye171(3)
NeoUltraSoul 180 = UltraSoul170(3) + NeoSandBall171(3)
UnkRed 179 = Blacknity170(3) + YBanshee165(3)
GreenMetal 178 = UnkGreen165(3) + Reokyan170(3)
BomberGunY 173 = BomberGunX160(3) + NeoStrigidae160(3)
Mono Red Eye 171 = Speenity150(3) + TopSymbals165(3)
UnkGreen 165 = BlueMetal153(3) + NeoRedBanshe159(3)
-Mystery Formula-
Magic 184 = BeetleKnight170(3) + NewPetitChi169(3)
NewArmiris 183 =ArmIris173(3) + NeoFrozen178(3)
GothicMeul 180 = Drop only
New Persoz 178 = Dark Qoon165(3) + AlertSpider153(3)
New Shadow 174 = PDevilWing163(3) + Persona150(3)
Nyubik head 169 = Purple Qoon150(3) + PetitTenkaki145(3) or
Purple Qoon150(3) + NewFireDra165(3)
-Devil Formula-
GateToHell 184 = CursedGate173(3) + GochicMeul180(3)
NeoBSaruff 182 = BlueSaurph161(3) + NewPersoz178(3)
Mirrow Ball 181 = LightningMan170(3) + Avenger165(3)
BloodQoomtra 178 = NinjaGirl170(3) + DinoKing170(3)
Brown DWing 175 = TinkerBell165(3) + ChampLava154(3)
SkyBanshee 172 = PelicanCrew163(3) + Speenity150(3)
-Bird Formula-
RedPersona 185 = PersonaSoul173(3) + Mirrow Ball181(3)
Gryps 181 = FireDuck163(3) + NeoFrozen178(3)
NewGoldHawk180= GoldHawk170(3) + BrownDWing175(3)
NeoDarkPitt 178 (Possible Drop) = DarkPitt166(3) + NeoTinker175(3)
Lobby174= Punchdra155(3) + MadCow168(3)
New Cupid 177= MixDestroyer174(3) + TopCymbals165(3)
NewPersona 169 = GreenBaloon146(3) + Punchdra155(3)
NewKalinAngel 183 = KalinAngel167(3) + SonGok181(3)
-Plant Formula-
Purple Leaf 184 = New RedLeaf177(3) + Moon Flower172(3)
NeoMadO 183 = MadOrchid168(3) + NeoPunchDra172(3)
Fire Tinker 182= NewBeetle171(3) + CutieCat172(3) or
NeoTinker175(3) + CutieCat172(3)
NeoGarlingz 181 = Garlingz170(3) + VulcanX170(3)
New RedLeaf 177 = MadOrchid168(3) + MixDestroyer174(3)
NeoTinker 175 = Tinkerbell165(3) + FireDuck163(3) or
WildBalzac170(3) + FireDuck163(3)
NewPetitTen = Persoz163(3) + YellowBanshee165(3)
Moon Flower 172 = SunFlame161(3) + Dalsipper165(3)
WildBalzac 170 = Balzac155(3) + NeoFennecus160(3)
NewPetitChi 169 = GladyHawk150(3) + BigHead150(3)
You can view all the mix formulaes at our official mix page: [link:https://mixmasteronline.com.au/formular Mix Formular [/link]
Regards, mixmaster online team.